Status and activity of CSIS in providing data in the interests of RCC and NHMS Khan V.M. (Hydrometeorological Center of Russia)
The main features of atmospheric circulation for the winter season 2022-2023 Sumerova K.A, (Hydrometeorological Center of Russia), Vargin P.N.(Central Aerologocal Observatory), Tishchenko V.A. (Hydrometeorological Center)
Forecast of sea ice parameters of the INM-CM5 climate model in the Arctic for the summer season Vorobyeva V. V., Tarasevich M. A., Volodin E. M. (INM RAS/Hydrometeorological Center of Russia/MIPT)
Initialization of the ocean by full fields in seasonal hindasts of the INM RAS climate model Tarasevich M. A., Volodin E. M. (INM RAS/Hydrometeorological Center of Russia/MIPT)
Assessment of the quality of the surface temperature subseasonal forecasts according to the old and new versions of the SL-AV model Kruglova E.N. (Hydrometeorological Center of Russia)
Evaluation of the practical predictability of the Madden-Julian oscillation Nabokova E.V., Kulikova I.A. (Hydrometeorological Center of Russia)
Review of seasonal forecasts for summer 2023 based on the results of the world's leading foresast centers Kaverina E.S., Kulikova I.A., and co-authors (Hydrometeorological Center of Russia)
Reports of the CIS NHMS
- Armenia
- Belarus
- Kazakhstan
- Uzbekistan
Consensus forecast for summer 2023 and discussion Tishchenko V.A., Khan V.M. (Hydrometeorological Center of Russia)
Possible consequences of the expected air temperature and precipitation anomalies on the economy and social life Emelina S.V., Klang P.S., Vorobyeva V. V., Tarasevich M. A.(Hydrometeorological Center of Russia/INM RAS)